
Home Syllabus


Due Date: Sun., Dec. 11 @ 11:59 pm

Table of contents

  1. Background
  2. Deliverable
  3. Submission
  4. Grading


Each graduate student registered for CS 438/590 must submit an individual report in addition to the exams and the homework for the course. This report will count for 10% of the course grade – all other assessments will be readjusted to account for 90% of the student’s grade. A research article related to a topic in artificial intelligence will be selected and a review of it will be provided.

Some good journals to look at are (but not limited to):


A report that summarizes and critiques a primary research article (not a review article) about an artificial intelligence topic will be submitted. Your report should have three sections:

  1. A short overview of the topic and questions addressed in the critiqued paper
  2. A description of the key findings
  3. A brief discussion of the significance of the paper. The report should discuss what the selected paper teaches us about how an artificial intelligence algorithm works or is applied.

In your report, use the following questions to guide your writing:

  1. Why is the topic scientifically important?
    • You may have to read several additional papers listed in the references to put this in perspective and may list them as references in your report.
  2. What are the conclusions and how are they supported by the data?
  3. How did the work advance knowledge in the area?
  4. What work remains to be done? Good research often leads to more questions than it answers. What would be your next question if you were doing research in this area?
  5. Could this research be applied to an important problem?


You will submit 3 items:

You will submit through Blackboard.


The report will be graded on a scale of 15 points: